If I had to guess, the title of this blog not only piqued your interest but also triggered the high-achiever in you who will go to great lengths never to fail. So, you might be asking yourself, how can I fail at achieving?

I coach many business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives who, by nature, are high-achievers and get great satisfaction from accomplishing goals. They believe the more they achieve, the more successful they will be and the greater their self-worth is as a result. The truth is these successful individuals are failing at achieving. Even more so, they are actually limiting their true potential for success and happiness and reaching their peak performance. I call this activated saboteur, the hyper-achiever.

Here are some common characteristics and traits of a hyper-achiever. Do you recognize any of these in yourself?






Source: Positive Intelligence®

Even if you don’t think you have an active hyper-achiever, chances are you know someone who does, so understanding their saboteur is just as beneficial to recognize as if it were your own.

When I work with my clients, many of them have grown attached to their hyper-achiever. They believe its “force” is their friend, and without it, they will lose their edge, success, and positive reputation. Of course, this isn’t true. This “force” is holding them back. Fortunately, with my Saboteur to Sage program, we weaken their hyper-achiever saboteur and strengthen their positive sage powers so they can reach their true potential both in their personal and professional life.

My program uses a proven methodology called Positive Intelligence, which utilizes techniques and best practices from neuroscience, performance science, positive psychology, and cognitive psychology. The program helps to rewire your brain so that in challenging times you can react with a positive mindset. Activating your positive sage powers opens a part of your brain that allows you to see challenges with a clear-headed focus, creativity and the big picture. Why waste your time dwelling and feeling bad when you could use that time to navigate and activate another path forward?

The reality is that the hyper-achiever energizes during challenging times like when you encounter roadblocks, setbacks, and failures. Can you imagine a time when you didn’t reach your goal or a time you didn’t perform at your best? How did you react? What negative self-talk did you hear? How much time did you waste in this negative mindset? Imagine if you could ignore the negative emotions and silence the self-talk and instead view each challenge, setback, roadblock, and failure as a gift and opportunity. With my six-week app-driven Saboteur to Sage program, you can develop the skills to do just that.

With this program, my clients are better leaders and contributors both in their organizations and personal lives. They see improvements in their performance, relationships, and overall wellbeing.

Let’s connect and discuss how this program will help you reach your full potential. Schedule a free consultation today.

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